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Ver-ID Person Plugin for Cordova


Ver-ID gives your users the ability to authenticate using their face.

Adding Ver-ID Person Plugin to Your Cordova App

  1. Request an API secret for your app.
  2. Clone the plugin Git repo into your file system:

     git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/AppliedRecognition/Ver-ID-Person-Cordova-Plugin.git
  3. Navigate to your Cordova project directory and install the plugin substituting path/to/plugin with the path of the plugin you checked out in the previous step:

     cordova plugin add path/to/plugin
  4. If your app includes iOS platform:

    • Navigate to platforms/ios and open the Podfile in a text editor. Set the platform to iOS 10: platform :ios, '10.0'. Close the file and run pod install to update the project. Alternatively, to automate this step copy the hooks/podfilesetup.js script from the plugin to your Cordova project and add it as a before_build hook.
    • Open Cordova app's iOS work space in Xcode.
    • Ensure the project's deployment target is iOS 10 or newer. Alternatively, copy hooks/xcodeproject.js and hooks/platformversion.js from the plugin to your Cordova project and add hooks/platformversion.js as hook.
    • In your Xcode project's build settings ensure SWIFT_VERSION is set to Swift 5. You can automate this setting by copying hooks/xcodeproject.js and hooks/swiftversion.js from the plugin to your Cordova project and add swiftversion.js as hook.
    • Open your app's Info.plist file and and ensure it contains an entry for NSCameraUsageDescription.
    • Still in the Info.plist file add the following entry, substituting [your API secret] for the API secret obtained after registration in step 1:

        <string>[your API secret]</string>
    • Select your app target and click on the Build Settings tab. Under Build Options ensure Enable Bitcode is set to No.
  5. If your app includes Android platform:

    • Ensure your app targets Android API level 14 or newer.
    • Open your app's AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following tag in <application> replacing [your API secret] with the API secret your received in step 1:

           android:value="[your API secret]" />
    • Your application must use Theme.AppCompat theme (or its descendant).

Loading Ver-ID

Ver-ID must be loaded before you can run face detection sessions or compare faces.

The load operation may take up to a few of seconds. Load Ver-ID using the load call:

verid.load().then(verIDInstance => {
    // Ver-ID loaded successfully
    // You can now run registration, authentication or liveness detection on verIDInstance
}).catch(error => {
    // Ver-ID failed to load

If you prefer, you can to specify the API secret in your code instead of your app's manifest or plist:

var apiSecret = "..."; // Alternative way to set your Ver-ID API secret

verid.load(apiSecret).then(verIDInstance => {
    // Ver-ID loaded successfully
    // You can now run registration, authentication or liveness detection
}).catch(error => {
    // Ver-ID failed to load

Register and Authenticate User From Javascript

The Ver-ID Person plugin module will be available in your script as a global variable verid.

var userId = "myUserId"; // String with an identifier for the user
var verIDInstance;

// Load Ver-ID before running registration or authentication
verid.load().then(instance => {
    // Ver-ID loaded successfully
    verIDInstance = instance;
    // Run a registration session
    var settings = new verid.RegistrationSessionSettings(userId);
    settings.showResult = true; // If you wish the plugin to show the result of the session to the user
    return verIDInstance.register(settings);
}).then(response => {
    if (!response) {
    // User cancelled the registration
    if (!response.error) {
        // User registered
        // Run an authentication session
        var settings = new verid.AuthenticationSessionSettings(userId);
        settings.showResult = true; // If you wish the plugin to show the result of the session to the user    
        return verIDInstance.authenticate(settings);
    } else {
        return response;
}).then(response => {
    if (!response) {
        // User cancelled the registration
    } else if (!response.error) {
        // User authenticated
    } else {
        // Session failed
}).catch(error => {
    // Handle the failure

Liveness Detection

In a liveness detection session the user is asked to asume a series of random poses in front of the camera.

Liveness detection sessions follow he same format as registration and authentication.

Extracting faces for face comparison

// Load Ver-ID before running liveness detection
verid.load().then(verIDInstance => {
    // Ver-ID loaded successfully  
    // Run a liveness detection session  
    var settings = verid.LivenessDetectionSessionSettings();
    return verIDInstance.captureLiveFace(settings);
}).then(response => {
    if (!response) {
    // Session was cancelled
    } else if (!response.error) {
        // Session finished
        var faces = response.attachments.filter(attachment => {
        // Only get faces that are looking straight at the camera and have recognition data
        return attachment.bearing == verid.Bearing.STRAIGHT && attachment.face.faceTemplate;
        }).map(face => {
            return attachment.face;
        // You can use the above faces to compare the detected face to faces from other sessions (see Comparing Faces section below)
    } else {
        // Session failed
}).catch(error => {
    // Handle the failure

Face detection session without asking for poses

// Load Ver-ID before running liveness detection
verid.load().then(verIDInstance => {
    // Ver-ID loaded successfully  
    // Run a liveness detection session  
    var settings = verid.LivenessDetectionSessionSettings();
    // We only want to collect one result
    settings.numberOfResultsToCollect = 1;
    // Ask the user to assume only one bearing (straight)
    settings.bearings = [verid.Bearing.STRAIGHT];
    return verIDInstance.captureLiveFace(settings);
}).then(response => {
    // Session finished
}).catch(error => {
    // Handle the failure

Liveness detection session defining the bearings (poses) the user may be asked to assume

// Load Ver-ID before running liveness detection
verid.load().then(verIDInstance => {
    // Ver-ID loaded successfully  
    // Run a liveness detection session  
    var settings = verid.LivenessDetectionSessionSettings();
    // The user will be asked to look straight at the camera and then either left or right
    settings.bearings = [verid.Bearing.STRAIGHT, verid.Bearing.LEFT, verid.Bearing.RIGHT];
    return verIDInstance.captureLiveFace(settings);
}).then(response => {
    // Session finished
}).catch(error => {
    // Handle the failure

Session Response Format

The callback of a successful session will contain an object that represents the result of the session.

Comparing Faces

After collecting two faces as outlined in the Liveness Detection section above run:

verid.load().then(verIDInstance => {
    return verIDInstance.compareFaces(face1, face2);
}).then(result => {
    // result.score = Similarity score between the two faces
    // result.authenticationThreshold = Threshold beyond which faces may be considered similar enough for the user to be authenticated
    // result.max = Maximum possible score
}).catch(error => {
    // Handle the failure

Detecting Faces In Images

As of version 4.1.0 the API lets your app detect a face in an image it supplies. The image must be supplied using data URI scheme.

See the Face type documentation for the properties of the returned face. You can pass the faces to the compareFaces function.

// Create an image object
var image = new Image();
// Set load callback
image.onload = function() {
    // Create a canvas element
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    // Set the canvas width to match the width of the image
    canvas.width = image.width;
    // Set the height width to match the height of the image
    canvas.height = image.height;
    // Get the canvas 2D context
    var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
    // Draw the image on the canvas
    ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
    // Get the image data URI as JPEG at 0.95 quality
    var dataUri = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 0.95);
    verid.load().then(verIDInstance => {
        return verIDInstance.detectFaceInImage(dataUri);
    }).then(face => {
        // Face detected
    }).catch(error => {
        // Face detection failed
// Set error callback
image.onerror = function() {
    console.log("Error loading image");
// Set the image source (change img/test.jpg to your image location)
image.src = "img/test.jpg";

Module API Reference

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